Shar - concepts, puzzles, editing, visuals

Characters: Kiniro, Lily, Magnia, Xoenai, Lani, Cherru, Aino, Fiko, Aika, Tess, Yuki, Epsilon

ciphermitarai - concepts, puzzles, editing, visuals, coding

Characters: Nate, Khalil, Kallie, Kohaku, Yiorgo, Junpei, Adina, Saki, Juri, Seuati, Itsuki, Haruto, Katerina

Hell Session

Miyuki, Tomo, Eiji, Shiori, Hibari, Mekhin - carduinal-cyn (Cynthia)

Rehksz, Ezra, Anya, Mira, Nati, Sanjun, Justin, Ward, Rune - kingofthecarpark (Spencer)

Chaz, Noelle, Lari, Mahrie, Caesar, ??? - Introversion (Chase)

Takkas, Yuurii, Hanzou, Kaesey, Thalia, Tako, Ella, Maki, ???, Apollo - Lunova (Nova)

Draxen, ??? - Kyublivion (Kyu)

Miylah, ??? - Emzizl (Emz)

Without you, none of this would be possible. Love you guys! Hope you have fun!


Some background images originate from Find the Chomiks.

Puzzle #10 created with the help of

Sprites created with FarragoFiction.

Easter eggs are credited within their alternate text.